We take
We want to do our bit towards limiting the global rise in temperature and reducing CO2 emissions, which is why we are expressly committed to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
We set great store by conserving natural resources, ensuring a wide range of mobility options, and using intelligent energy management for our properties. The work and residential spaces we develop last for generations.

ARE not only meets BIG’s group-wide Sustainability Minimum Standard, but also places value on obtaining additional certifications that relate to the asset class in question.
How ARE helps
the environment
In order to minimise the impact of its business activities on the climate and environment, ARE has set itself goals that go beyond the statutory requirements. These range from phasing out fossil fuels and using ecological construction materials to protecting biodiversity.
in brief
ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. ARE’s focus is on creating an integrative, standardised framework for its sustainability strategy by implementing industry-specific ESG indicators.
Over the next few years, the ARE and BIG executive boards will be supported and advised by the Sustainability Committee. With their vast combined knowhow, the local and international experts who make up the Sustainability Committee will contribute towards quality assurance and achieving the goals of the Group’s sustainability agendas. The committee will mainly strive to advance the sustainability strategy and to provide advice in all relevant areas of activity. In doing so, it will look at developments in the real estate sector in terms of their economic, ecological and socio-cultural aspects.

Left to right: Maria Vassilakou, Wolfgang Anzengruber, Heinz Felsner, Peter Richner, Susanne Eickermann-Riepe