How ARE helps
the environment
In order to minimise the environmental and climate impact of its business activities, ARE is expressly committed to achieving goals that go beyond the legal requirements. These goals can be divided into three areas:
- Energy
- Resources
- Climate resilience
The goals formulated within these three areas are inspired by and based on the 10 BIG Points of our parent company, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft.

1. Energy
The goals under this umbrella term include phasing out fossil oil and natural gas entirely and drawing up a changeover concept by 2025. On top of that, as part of the BIG Group’s photovoltaic initiative, photovoltaic systems are to be installed across about 20 hectares of roof surfaces by 2023, which will save about 16,000 tons of CO2 annually. ARE is also bound by this target and will play a major role in achieving it. By continuing the thermal refurbishment of our portfolio properties and obtaining the klimaaktiv silver certification for all our new-builds and general rehabilitations as of 2020, we are reducing our CO2 emissions even further. In addition, the retrofitting of the monitoring systems in around 90% of the BIG Group’s rentable space is in the pipeline.
2. Resources
The area of resources includes lifecycle factors that need to be taken into account when planning new-builds or rehabilitating existing buildings. In terms of ecological construction materials, since 2020 the overall ecological assessments of buildings must include their impact on the environment and their contribution to global warming. Circular economy and urban mining help reduce the high volume of waste in the building sector thanks to efficient use and reuse/recycling of building materials.
3. Climate resilience
Climate-resilient construction aims to optimise a building’s impact on its environment as well as its thermal comfort. The result of space-efficient construction is that at least 20% of the plots on which new-builds are erected or overall rehabilitations are carried out is not sealed or built up. By developing recreational spaces for the population and conserving the natural habitat for flora and fauna, we contribute towards creating open spaces with low Global Warming Potential (GWP) and protecting the biodiversity in the city.